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Старый 22.06.2008, 14:58   #1
Аватар для Warlock
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По умолчанию Изменения в механике NWN2



Balagharn's Iron Horn - школа трансмутация.

Bigby 6 круг – механика действия по дефолту. Исправлен баг при которой повторный каст заклинания по цели приводит к провалу целью чека на силу даже если чек силы цели больше чем чек силы кастера. Длительность 1д4.

Bigby 7 круг - механика действия по дефолту, спас на рефлекс.

Bigby 8 круг - механика действия по дефолту, спас на форту.

Bigby 9 круг – механика действия по дефолту, спас на волю.

Storm of Vengeance, Delayed Blast Fireball, Grease – кастишь второй закл первый исчезает. Пример: кастуем Blade Barrier он появляется, кастуем второй Blade Barrier первый исчезает и т.д по аналогии.

Stone Body , Iron Body – предварительно скастованный Freedom не снимает 50% замедление, предварительно скастованный Death Ward не снимает штраф на ловкость и скилы, 50% провал заклинания предусмотрен только у Арканов. При использовании стил спела 50% провал не учитывается.

Divine Power – +1 аб за кастер лвл/3 продолжительность 1 раунд - кастер лвл/3.

Great Dispel - максимальный кастер лвл 25
Dispel - максимальный кастер лвл 20
Lesser Dispel - максимальный кастер лвл 15

Great Restoration, Regenerate, Rejuvenation Cocoon - без изменений. Задержка между кастами 1 мин. Пример: Если персонаж скастил Great Restoration то он не может скастить в течение одной минуты как сам Great Restoration так и Regenerate. Если персонаж скастовал Regenerate то он не может скастить в течение одной минуты как сам Regenerate так и Great Restoration.

Energy Immunity – иммунитет к одной из следующих энергий по выбору: звук, кислота, огонь, холод, электро.

Ethereal Jaunt, Etherealness - время действия 2 раунда, задержка между кастами 3 раунда.

Heal, Mass Heal - без изменений. Задержка между кастами 30 сек.

Isaac’s Greater Missile Storm – макс 10 ракет по 2д6, дамаг от закла делится между враждебными целями в зоне действия заклинания. Пример: Бьём по цели максимайз спелом, если цель одна, то она получает 120 дамага, если две то каждая из целей получает по 60 и т.д.

Improved Invisibility, Displacement, Ghostly visage, Ethereal Visage - дают имун ко всем заклинаниям категории Bigby (кроме Bigby 5 круга) и к заклинанию Flesh to stone.

Shield – иммунитет к Magic Missile в том числе к Isaac’s Lesser Missile Storm и Isaac’s Greater Missile Storm.

True Seeing – не видит Hide, даёт See Invisibility, Blindsiht, бонус к скилу спот по формуле 0,7*на лвлкастера.

-Временно отключены заклинания класса Orbs
-Временно отключено заклинание Living Undead/Undeath.

Обсуждение по этой теме ведется тут.
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Старый 30.05.2009, 22:22   #2
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По умолчанию Re: Изменения в механике NWN2

Spell fixes:

-Added support for duration metamagic for following spells: Animal Trance, Animalistic Power, Blades of Fire, Bladeweave, Conviction, Living Undeath, Nightshield and Reduce Person (including Animal, Greater and Mass versions)
-Added support for variable metamagic for following spells: Animal Trance, Arc of Lighting, Blood to Water, Castigate, Dehydrate and Healing Sting
-Several fixes to Animal Trance spell
*will check for spell resistance
*will use caster level, instead of total character level, for duration (if not racial ability)
*won't have oversized radius (feet values in script should be converted to meters)
-Fixed Avasculate, Bestow Curse, Death Knell, Hypothermia, Mass Fowl, Moon Bolt, Swamp Lung, Vampiric Feast, as well as Curse of Despair invocation, so that invisibility is properly removed from caster, when these spells are cast on hostile target (happens due to missing or buggy signal event)
-Fixed Bestow Curse, so that curse is properly set as Supernatural (and thus, not dispellable)
-Fixed Blade Barrier (Self), so that single dispelling removes both effects properly (blades and hold on caster)
-Fixed Blades of Fire, so casters also benefit from 2 round duration (not just 1 round, due to not being able to attack in first round)
-Several fixes to Blood to Water spell:
*will check for spell resistance
*damage to Constitution won't be dispellable
-Several fixes to Camoflage line of spells:
*Camoflage and Mass Camoflage won't stack with each other anymore
*Mass Camoflage will affect characters inside targeted area, instead always affecting those around the caster
-Several fixes to Castigate spell:
*will check for spell resistance
*won't roll saves on targets with same alignment as caster (including caster)
-Tweaked Charm Person, Daze and Dominate Person spells, so they affect all playable humanoids (added Planetouched, Grey Orcs and player-made Yuan-ti)
-Updated The Dead Walk invocation, so it matches changes to Animate Dead spell
-Several fixes to Dehydrate spell:
*will check for spell resistance
*will check for Fortitude Save to negate damage
*damage to Constitution will stack
*damage to Constitution won't be dispellable
-Several fixes to Deep Slumber and Sleep spell:
*duration won't be 2 rounds longer then intended
*invisibility won't be retained, when attacking with these spells (signal event error)
-Several fixes to Devour Magic invocation:
*it won't try to cancel its own temporary hit points
*if area effect is dispelled, temporary hit points will be gained properly
-Fixed Dispel Magic and all its variations, so that when targeting area, it won't try to dispel aura effects twice (both as an area of effect object and as an effect on creature). Also, dispel check for area effects is changed to match official 3.5e rules better. Fixed spells/invocations are: Dispel Magic, Lesser Dispel Magic, Greater Dispel Magic, Mordenkainen's Disjunction, Voracious Dispelling and Devour Magic
-Fixed Divine Power, so casting it twice on same target won't remove increase to base attack bonus
-Fixed Enervation, so that negative levels aren't dispellable (similar to Energy Drain)
-Tweaked Enlarge Person (including Duergar version) and Righteous Might, so extra damage added isn't magical, but physical. Otherwise, as magical damage, it would bypass any damage reduction
-Several fixes to Entropic Husk spell:
*creatures immune to mind affecting effects will properly turn hostile to their former allies
*Duergar affected by Enlarge Person ability won't increase even more in size, if affected by husk
-Fixed Ethereal Jaunt, so it can trigger item creation or Hardcore UMD checks, like all other spells (added missing "spellhook" code)
-Fixed Flame Weapon, so it has proper duration (1 minute/level, not twice that much)
-Fixed Flee the Scene invocation, so it functions normally if having Team Rush feat (won't haste only 2 characters)
-Fixed Foundation of Stone, so it has proper duration, as per description (3 rounds + 1 round/level, not 3 rounds + 1 round per 3 levels)
-Fixed Greater and Lesser Visage of the Deity, so casting them won't drop invisibility from the caster (signal event issue)
-Fixed Gust of Wind, so it will not remove auras from other creatures anymore
-Fixed Hammer of the Gods, so its variable duration can be increased with Empower or Maximize metamagic
-Fixed Healing Sting, so it checks for spell resistance properly
-Fixed Iron Body, so it makes caster immune to Mass Drown spell (and not just Drown)
-Fixed Living Undeath, so that having Charisma below 5, will properly reduce it to 1
-Fixed Mass Blindness/Deafness and Mass Curse of Impending Blades spells, so that on Hardcore difficulty they only affect enemies, as per description
-Fixed Mass Fowl, so some of its effects won't be dispellable (mental stat penalties that prevent casters from using spells)
-Fixed Mass Heal (including Warpriest version), so that Spellcraft bonus to saves is applied properly to the targeted undead
-Several fixes to Mass Reduce Person spell:
*it won't affect enemies anymore
*it won't get canceled if having non-humanoids in the area
-Fixed both Mind Blank spells, so they remove mind effects from Tasha's Hideous Laughter and Solipsism spells
-Fixed Nightshield, so it correctly gives +3 bonus to saves if having 9 or more caster levels
-Several fixes to all Orb spells:
*added support for getting double damage on critical hits
*all Orb spells will be properly maximized (not all of them use d8 as base)
*Lesser Orb of Acid and Cold won't add secondary effects (those are intended for "greater" versions)
*Lesser Orb of Sound will not use code from Orb of Sound (spells.2da edit)
-Fixed Reduce spells, so they don't stack with each other. Also, they won't be removed by restoration magic anymore
-Fixed Slay Living, so that spell resistance check isn't rolled if melee touch attack failed
-Fixed Tasha's Hideous Laughter, so it won't be possible to just dispel its visual effect
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Старый 30.05.2009, 22:23   #3
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По умолчанию Re: Изменения в механике NWN2

Feat fixes:

-Increased duration of Divine Might and Divine Vengeance feats for one round, to compensate for inability to attack in same round when those abilities are activated
-Fixed Divine Vengeance bonus, so it gives extra 2d6 damage against undead, and not some random value between 2-12
-Fixed Fey and Fiendish Legacy/Presence feats, so that duration depends from total character level, and not from the level in class which was leveled up when these feats were taken
-Fixed Sacred Purification feat, so damage healed is rolled for every target, instead of using same value for everyone in the area

Fixes to racial abilities:

-Fixed Cause Fear, Charm Person and Entangle spell-like abilities of Yuan-Ti Purebloods, so that duration and DC are not based on first class taken at character creation. Instead, as per PnP rules, DC is Charisma based and duration depends from total character level
-Fixed aura used by Drowned undead, so it does not affect creatures with Iron Body (which gives immunity to drowning)
-Fixed Howl of Fear ability used by Shadow Mastiffs, so it doesn't affect themself when part of player faction on Hardcore difficulty
-Fixed Summon Gale ability of Air Genasi, so it will not remove auras from other creatures anymore

Fixes to class abilities:

-Fixed several bard songs, so all their effects work properly when used by NPC AI (Ironskin Chant, Legionnaire's March, Chorus of Heroism, Hymn of Requiem)
-Fixed Legionnaire's March song, so that increase to base attack bonus doesn't depend from party members outside affected area
-Several party wide abilities limited to single area, to make them MP friendly (Inspire Frenzy, Ironskin Chant, Chorus of Heroism, Hymn of Requiem)
-Several fixes to Turn Undead ability:
*already turned outsiders will not count against HD limit for new turning attempts
*turning failed message will not show for creatures that can't be turned
-Increased duration of Furious Assault ability of Neverwinter Nines for one round, since it's not possible to attack at same round when ability is activated. For same reason, damage to user moved to happen one round later (so it starts after first round with attacks)
-Fixed Guarding the Lord ability of Neverwinter Nines, so that its duration is properly based on character level
-Fixed an issue with persistent auras for several classes (Paladin, Blackguard, Doomguide, Hellfire Warlock, Neverwinter Nine), when only single aura of same type can function in the area. For example, only one Blackguard in the area, friend or foe, had Aura of Despair working. Also, fixed a glitch with those same auras, when on save game load Persistent Aura icon would not appear
-Updated code for War Glory persistent aura used by Warpriest, so it matches other auras that were changed with 1.21 patch (also includes a fix for issue mentioned above). This should prevent some problems that can happen when refreshing this aura
-Several fixes to Eldritch Chain, when used with Hellfire Warlock:
*Constitution damage will be reported, if any of chain attacks misses
*will report correct Constitution damage, if more then 1 point is lost
-Fixed several issues with Hellfire Blast and Hellfire Shield:
*removed exploit which allowed use of Hellfire even if having immunity to Constitution damage
*Constitution damage from use of Hellfire won't be dispellable anymore
*Hindering and Binding Blasts will apply Hellfire Blast damage when active
*Hellfire Shield won't halve damage with failed saving throw anymore
*Hellfire Shield will respect Evasion
*Hellfire Shield won't show fire impact visuals, if no damage is inflicted
-Fixed several issues with Warlock essences, which happen when they share same shape:
*applying new essence won't remove old one of different type, if both are using same shape
*essences with secondary damage (like Brimstone) will work, if target is already affected by some other essence that shares same shape
-Fixed Utterdark Blast shape, so it's properly set as Supernatural (and thus, not possible to dispel)
-Fixed Warlock's Imbue Item ability, so it works with all recipes from MotB

Other fixes:

-Fixed improved versions of Alchemist's Fire, so they give correct damage bonus, when applied to weapon, and not just extra 1d4 fire damage
-Fixed Electrical Traps, so they won't injure neutral creatures with secondary attacks anymore. Also, electrical damage will arc properly to other creatures, if trap is placed with Set Trap skill
-Fixed Fire and Sonic Traps, so they work on enemies when placed with Set Trap skill
-Fixed Fatal and Epic Sonic Traps, so they don't injure neutrals
-Fixed Gas Traps, so they won't try to apply poison on same target multiple times. Also, they will work on enemies if placed with Set Trap skill
-Fixed visuals for Magic Circle against Alignment spell, so it doesn't play annoying sound every time someone enters circle radius (visualeffects.2da)
-Added workaround for an issue, when taking epic spells with prestige classes could lead to getting wrong ability modifier being applied to their save DC. Also, added missing DC bonus to epic spells for every 3 caster levels after 20, as well as DC bonus given by influence feats (from MotB)
-Item properties without subtype will be upgradeable through crafting, if max number of enchantments is already reached (works with all 3 crafting systems)
-Fixed crafting in SoZ campaign, so that Imbue Item can substitute any spell needed
-Several fixes to Unity of Will spell-like ability of Silver Sword, used in MotB campaign:
*depleting temporary hit points won't end other buffs
*enemies immune to mind effects won't get penalties, by default

Fixes to spell attributes:

-Fixed Magic Fang and Greater Magic Fang spells, so they are properly set as Transmutations (not Conjurations)
-Fixed Mind Fog, so it is properly set as Enchantment spell (not Illusion)
-Fixed Shroud of Flame, so it is properly set as Evocation spell (not Transmutation)
-Removed ability to Empower or Maximize following spells (since it didn't do anything): Bless Weapon, Death Armor, Elemental Shield, Flame Weapon, Heal Animal Companion, Mage Armor, Mass Snake Swiftness, Poison, Rejuvenation Cocoon and Tortoise Shell
-Removed ability to Extend or Persist Creeping Cold and Greater Creeping Cold spells, since that does not work
-Removed ability to Persist Cause Fear, since attacks spells aren't supposed to be persistable
-Added ability to use Silent metamagic with Lesser Dispel and Scare spells, since they have verbal component
-Added ability to use Still metamagic with Greater Resistance and Superior Resistance spells, since they have somatic component
-Fixed Mass Aid and Mass Death Ward, so they can be Extended with metamagic
-Made possible to Quicken, Still or Silent following spells: Animal Trance, Animalistic Power, Arc of Lightning, Blades of Fire (no Still), Bladeweave (no Still), Blood to Water (no Quicken), Castigate (no Still), Conviction, Dehydrate, Healing Sting, Living Undeath, Nightshield, Reduce Person (including Animal, Greater and Mass versions), Snakes Swiftness and Stabilize
-Made possible to Extend following spells: Animal Trance, Animalistic Power, Blades of Fire, Bladeweave, Conviction, Living Undeath, Nightshield, Reduce Person (including Animal, Greater and Mass versions)
-Made possible to Persist following spells: Animalistic Power, Bladeweave, Nightshield, Reduce Person and Reduce Animal
-Made possible to Empower or Maximize following spells: Animal Trance, Arc of Lightning, Blood to Water, Castigate, Dehydrate and Healing Sting
-Removed somatic component from Blindness/Deafness spell, since it isn't supposed to have one
-Fixed range for Crushing Despair, so it's small, instead of medium. Without this, if target is not inside range of spell's cone, caster would not attempt to come close enough to be able affect the target
-Fixed Lesser Planar Binding and Planar Binding, so they can target hostile outsiders
-Added area targeting marker for Castigate, Etherealness, Haste (including Warpriest version), Magic Circle against Alignment, Mass Snakes Swiftness and Remove Paralysis spells, since they can affect multiple creatures
-Removed area targeting marker from all Orb and Reduce spells (exempt Mass Reduce Person), as well as from Snake Swiftness, since they only affect single creature
-Fixed Greater Dispel, Invisibility Purge and Mind Fog spells, so that targeting markers match shape area (old markers were larger, then area affected)
-Fixed Eldritch Doom, as well as Mass Aid, Mass Death Ward, Mass Reduce Person, Shades (Creature), Stabilize and Voracious Dispelling, so targeting marker matches shape area (old markers were smaller then area affected)
-Fixed Castigate, so it is aimed on caster, and not enemies (since effect is centered the on caster)
-Fixed Invisibility Purge, Mass Snakes Swiftness and Prayer spells, so that they can only be aimed at the caster (since area effect is always centered on the caster)
-Fixed Bless, Dismissal, Flame Strike, Scare, Song of Discord and Undeath to Death, so that they can target ground (not forced to pick creature anymore)
-Fixed Detect Undead, Dirge, Disintegrate, Earthquake, Energy Immunity, Ethereal Jaunt, False Life, Iron Body, Joyful Noise, Low Light Vision, Righteous Might, Shades, Silence, Song of Discord, Stone Body and War Cry spells, so they can be targeted on items and thus be useable for item creation
-Tweaked Mordenkainen's Disjunction, so it can target hostiles, instead of allies
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