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Warlock 13.07.2007 08:51

Новости (обсуждение)
-Сервер переведен на версию1.06.980
-подправлена часть лок
-подправлена часть мобов
-заработал банк
-стартовая лока теперь ноу ПВП
-подправлена система выдачи экспы субрассам
-подправлено падение лута
-изменен эксповый штраф за смерть, 150*на левел
-лут теперь исчезает спустя 8-16 мин
-подправлен ассортимент шмота продаваемого торговцами

Extreme 23.07.2007 19:14

-Fixed Acid Fog, so targets already in the cloud would not get same, fixed damage (now, damage is rolled for each target). Fortitude save is also removed for those targets (since it didn't do anything)
-Aura of Glory spell will not anymore apply Charisma bonus to party members and won't add fear save bonus to caster (since Paladin is already immune to fear)
-Aura of Vitality won't stack with itself anymore, to prevent gaining extra HP with every successive casting of this spell
-Fixed Bane to have correct 60sec/lvl duration, instead of just 20sec
-Fixed Banishment, so it affects targeted area properly, instead of similarly sized area centered on the caster
-Fixed Battletide (including Warpriest version), so it gets properly dispelled (caster won't keep attack/damage bonus). Also, spell won't stack with itself anymore, by giving two area effects
-Fixed Blade Barrier (Self), so it gets properly dispelled (no immobilized caster after dispelling blades)
-Several fixes to Bigby Hand line of spells:
*now they will take into account size increasing spell effects when calculating grapple or bull rush checks
*only Grasping and Crushing Hand will not stack with each other (since both would grapple the target)
*fixed a bug when Clenched Fist would end prematurely (usually after casting some other spell)
*fixed an issue when Crushing Hand targets were able to move a bit every 6 seconds (even with successful grapple checks)
*to prevent a bug with gaining metamagic effects when they are not supposed to happen, removed Empower and Maximize calculations from Clenched Fist and Crushing Hand spells (not really a problem, since they are of too high level to gain those effects anyway)
-Fixed Body of the Sun, so that saving successfully from its damage won't make other targets in area get even less damage
-Removed doubled saves from Bombardment spell (now, a single Reflex save protects from both damage and knockdown). Also, if damage is evaded, target won't get "0 damage applied" message
-Fixed Clouldkill to properly apply Constitution damage (previously, if multiple targets were affected, damage would be greatly reduced for some of them). Also, if there are any creatures immune to poison in area, it won't stop spell anymore from applying damage to other targets
-Fixed a bug, when Cloud of Bewilderment would always affect targets immune to poison, instead the opposite. Also, spell resistance won't be checked multiple times for targets already affected by this cloud
-Fixed Color Spray, so it doesn't make higher-level creatures fall asleep (only those with HD of 1 or 2 should fall asleep now). Also, blindness version won't affect creatures immune to mind affecting effects anymore
-Fixed durations for Confusion and Song of Discord spells, so they are properly doubled when Extended
-Several fixes to Creeping Doom spell:
*fixed a bug, when swarm would sometimes ignore valid target
*dispelling won't remove just visuals, but continuous damage too
*you won't get a miss, if to-hit roll is equal to enemy AC
*implemented auto-hit on natural roll of 20 and auto-miss on natural roll of 1
-Several fixes to Crushing Despair:
*it won't affect caster, if targeted on area without enemies
*it will be dispelled properly (no leftover effects anymore)
*skill penalties included, that were missing
*will not affect targets immune to mind affecting effects
-Several fixes to Cure line of spells (includes potions too):
*no more maximum damage healed on difficulties higher then Normal
*on Normal or Easy difficulty, healing maximum damage will now work on all party members (and not only on currently controlled character)
*Maximize metamagic will now properly maximize damage healed (maximum on Hardcore or greater, twice the maximum on Normal or Easy)
*Augmented Healing feat will not add bonus healing to potions, scrolls and other items used by character having this feat
-Disintegrate will get its beam effect shown, even for missed or resisted targets (like it's done with most other ray spells)
-Fixed a bug, when Dismissal would skip some creatures in the spell area, if some targets get banished. Also, from now on, this spell will properly banish death-immune creatures
-Fixed Earthquake, to not apply knockdown and spell failure effects to the caster on Hardcore difficulty anymore
-Fixed Energy Drain, so it requires ranged touch attack to make target gain negative levels
-Added missing beam visual for Enervation (similar to one used for Energy Drain)
-Fixed Entangle, so that it can affect more then a single target in first round. Also, when cast, neutral NPC in area won't become hostile for a few seconds anymore
-For Evard's Black Tentacles, implemented auto-hit on natural roll of 20 and auto-miss on natural roll of 1
-Fixed Feeblemind, so ability loss is properly Maximized (instead of multiplied by 4)
-Fixed Flame Arrow, Isaac's Lesser/Greater Missile Storm and Magic Missile, so that they don't burn Spell Mantles with each missile, but only once per casting
-Several fixes to Ghoul Touch spell:
*fumes emitted by paralyzed target will reduce attack bonus properly (not just damage, saves and skills)
*fumes will not affect caster on Hardcore difficulty anymore (otherwise, this spell would always try to harm caster, due to being in range)
*fumes will not affect targets immune to poison
*fumes will now dissipate, if target is freed from paralysis
-Fixed Grease, so that movement reduction effect always gets applied (no save)
-Fixed Heal and Harm, so they require touch attack on hostile targets. Also fixed a bug when Harm would not heal friendly undead on Normal or lower difficulty
-Fixed a bug, when Ice Storm would not injure all creatures in the area of effect, in case some targets died from this spell
-Several fixes to Infestation of Maggots spell:
*will not affect targets immune to disease
*won't be possible anymore to get living characters with Constitution score of zero
*game difficulty lower then Hardcore will only protect player controlled characters from dying by Constitution damage, and not their enemies too
-Fixed Invisibility Sphere, so that sphere ends if invisibility is canceled on caster
-Fixed a bug with both Isaac's Missile Storm spells, when if cast on area with both friends and enemies, some missiles would get lost
-Several fixes to Mass Charm Monster spell:
*it will properly charm twice caster HD in creatures, not twice caster HD minus one
*if player controlled character is affected, only he will get Dazed, and not several other creatures too
*it won't affect friendly targets anymore (including caster) on Hardcore difficulty, since it does not make sense (they already fight for you and attack your enemies)
-Several fixes to Mass Cure/Heal spells (including Warpriest variations)
*they won't damage friendly undead on Hardcore difficulty, if they are not in area of effect
*Mass Heal won't heal enemies (just like other mass cure spells)
*Mass Heal will get proper visuals (no inflict graphics on targets), and will properly remove "wounding" effect
*Mass Cure Serious Wounds will roll 3d8, instead of 4d8 for damage healed
*Mass Cure spells will use Will save, instead of Fort when battling undead (like all other Cure spells)
*Mass Cure spells, when used for healing, will gain bonus from Augmented Healing feat
*Warpriest Mass Cure Light Wounds will properly be Empowered or Maximized
-Fixed Melf's Acid Arrow, so continuous damage has correct duration (not 1 round less). Also, if Acid Arrow misses the target, it will not cancel continuous damage from previously cast Acid Arrow anymore
-Several fixes to Meteor Swarm spell:
*spell resistance won't be checked twice when targeting ground or caster
*when targeting ground, targets closer to center will always roll properly for higher damage and vice versa
-Fixed Mind Fog, so it will not affect targets immune to mind affecting effects
-Fixed Mirror Image, so it can be properly dispelled (no single image per dispel). Also, Maximize metamagic will now work as it should, and won't add just 4 images
-Fixed Moon Bolt, so it can be properly Extended, Empowered or Maximized
-Added missing melee touch check for Poison spell
-Fixed Ray of Enfeeblement to work properly (was not giving any Strength penalty before)

Extreme 23.07.2007 19:14

-Fixed Scare, so that it can affect multiple targets correctly, and that fear on them can be properly dispelled (no leftover effects after area dispel)
-Several fixes to Shroud of Flame:
*won't stack with itself anymore
*will be dispelled properly (and not just visuals)
*metamagics will work properly in following rounds (won't depend from other spells cast)
-Fixed Spell Breach and Mordenkainen's Disjunction spells, so they will be able to remove Least Spell Mantle
-There were several bugs with Storm Avatar electrical damage bonus:
*bonus was not applied when using weapons with damage bonus
*it was only added to single weapon/creature attack
The only way, to make this work properly, was to change damage bonus to be applied to the caster, instead of to his weapon
-Fixed Storm of Vengeance, so that same damage doesn't get applied to all targets in the round (now damage is rolled for each target separately)
-Fixed Sunburst, so that single Reflex save protects against damage, blindness and Vampire death (instead of rolling 3 separate saves)
-Fixed stacking issue with Swamp Lung spell, since casting on already affected target could remove old effects without applying new ones (on successful save)
-Fixed Tasha's Hideous Laughter and Weird, so they will not affect targets protected by Protection from Good/Evil, if it should apply
-Fixed Vampiric Touch, so it gets properly Maximized (drains 6HP per die, instead of 8)
-Fixed Camouflage version of Vine Mine spell, so it won't try to Entangle the target every round
-Fixed Hamper Movement version of Vine Mine spell, so it won't stack movement decrease every round
-Several fixes to Entangle version of Vine Mine spell:
*it won't try to affect targets already entangled with it
*it won't skip targets with Woodland Stride feat
*it will be possible to affect targets on first round
-Fixed Vitriolic Sphere, to make metamagics work properly in following rounds (won't depend from other spells cast)
-Fixed Wall of Fire, so that damage dealt gets capped properly at 2d6+20 (and not at just 20)

Invocation fixes:

-Fixed Brimstone Blast, so flame visual won't be dispelled anymore
-Fixed Frightful Blast, so it can be properly dispelled (no leftover effects anymore)
-Fixed an issue with using same Eldritch Blast essence on already affected target, when succeeding the save would remove first effect
-Fixed Eldritch Blast visuals, so that ray effect gets shown even for missed or resisted targets (like it's done with most other ray spells)
-Fixed Eldritch Chain, so it would not arc to secondary targets when primary target was missed. Also, when it arcs, it won't check first secondary target with ranged attack roll twice
-Several fixes to Chilling Tentacles:
*tweaked damage and paralytic effects of tentacles to happen sooner (otherwise it could happen to get affected by tentacles after already exiting the area)
*implemented auto-hit on natural roll of 20 and auto-miss on natural roll of 1
-Fixed area dispel checks for Devour Magic and Voracious Dispelling (previously, area dispel almost never worked)
-Several fixes to Tenacious Plague:
*prevented stacking on already affected targets
*fixed a bug, when swarm would sometimes ignore valid target
*dispelling won't remove just visuals, but continuous damage too
*you won't get a miss, if to-hit roll is equal to enemy AC
*implemented auto-hit on natural roll of 20 and auto-miss on natural roll of 1

Fixes to creature or class abilities:

-Fixed Cones of Acid, Fire and Frost used by some creatures, so that saving successfully from their damage won't make other targets in area get even less damage
-Fixed Dragon Breath for Black and Red Dragons, so that damage is rolled for each target, instead applying same value to all targets
-Fixed Fear auras used by some creatures (dragons included), to prevent characters immune to fear or mind effects from getting penalties
-Fixed Ghast and Hezrou stench auras to not affect creatures immune to poison
-Fixed Barbarian Rage, so resting during rage won't give fatigue penalties afterwards
-Fixed Dragon Breath ability of Red Dragon Disciples, so that damage is rolled for each target, instead applying same value to all targets. Also removed spell resistance check, since Supernatural abilities should ignore SR (was already true, but only for non-AI cast breath)
-Fixed Song of Heroism, so Bard won't be "in pain" when casting it on friendly target
-Fixed Warlock's Fiendish Resilience, so it will regenerate specified amount of health per round, instead per second

Skill fixes:

-Fixed Use Magic Device check for casting from scrolls, so it will only get triggered when scroll class restrictions were not met (prevents an issue when non-arcane casters with Rogue levels or UMD skill were forced to roll this check even for scrolls with spells from their own class)

Targeting fixes (spells.2da):

-Fixed Dismissal, Scare and Song of Discord, so that they can target ground properly
-Fixed Lesser Planar Binding and Planar Binding, so they can target hostile outsiders

Warlock 23.09.2007 17:01

-отключён шаут
-нарисовано несколько новых лок
-перерисована часть старых лок
-подправлены торговцы
-подправлена часть мобов
-подправлено время спавна у некоторых мобов
-добавлена арена
-в ближайшее время будут добавлены пушки с элем дамагом

Warlock 17.10.2007 18:52

-введена новая система экспы
-введены коэфы экспы для классов
-добавлены новые виды оружия
-упорядочен шмот
-пофикшена бага со смертью
-подправлены мелкие баги модуля

Oranj 18.10.2007 14:44

На сервер установлен аддон + пропатчен до 1.10.1116

Oranj 26.10.2007 19:14

У продавца свитков в продаже появились пустые свитки, стоят по ~2200 золотых.

Oranj 31.10.2007 16:41

Spell fixes:

-Fixed Acid Fog, so targets already in the cloud would not get same, fixed damage (now, damage is rolled for each target). Fortitude save is also removed for those targets (since it didn't do anything)
-Fixed touch attacks for Acid Splash, Death Knell, Disintegrate, Enervation, Melf's Acid Arrow, Meteor Swarm, Polar Ray, Ray of Frost, Scorching Ray, Searing Light, Shocking Grasp and Vampiric Touch spells, so creatures immune to critical hits won't get doubled damage on criticals
-Fixed Aid to not stack with Mass Aid spell
-Aura of Glory spell will not anymore apply Charisma bonus to party members and won't add fear save bonus to caster (since Paladin is already immune to fear)
-Aura of Vitality won't stack with itself anymore, to prevent gaining extra HP with every successive casting of this spell
-Fixed Avasculate visuals, so that beam effect gets shown even for missed or resisted targets (like with most ray spells)
-Fixed Banishment to not affect caster (otherwise it would be death trap on Hardcore difficulty for some races)
-Fixed Battletide (including Warpriest version), so it gets properly dispelled (caster won't keep attack/damage bonus). Also, spell won't stack with itself anymore, by giving two area effects
-Fixed Bear's Endurance to not stack with Mass Bear's Endurance (this gave extra hit points)
-Several fixes to Bigby Hand line of spells:
*now they will take into account size increasing spell effects when calculating grapple or bull rush checks
*only Grasping and Crushing Hand will not stack with each other (since both would grapple the target)
*fixed a bug when Clenched Fist would end prematurely (usually after casting some other spell)
*damage won't depend from metamagics of other spells cast in following rounds
-Fixed Blade Barrier (Self), so it gets properly dispelled (no immobilized caster after dispelling blades)
-Fixed Bless and Banishment spells, so they affect targeted area properly, instead of similarly sized area centered on the caster
-Removed doubled saves from Bombardment spell (now, a single Reflex save protects from both damage and knockdown). Also, if damage is evaded, target won't get "0 damage applied" message
-Fixed Burning Harnds, Color Spray, Cone of Cold, Mestil's Acid Breath and Prismatic Spray, so they won't check caster for spell resistance in some situations
-Several fixes to Burst of Glacial Wrath:
*creatures encased in ice will get damage reduction of 10/- as intended
*creatures with cold weakness won't die from this spell
*creatures with cold resistance will be damaged properly (and frozen, if needed)
*an issue when cone could sometimes injure the caster on Hardcore difficulty won't happen anymore
*it won't happen for burst to ignore some creatures in the cone
-Fixed Cacophonic Burst, so that saving successfully from its damage won't make other targets in area get even less damage. Nor would failing the save make targets get identical damage. Also, it will be properly maximized if having caster level below 15 (will not do 90 points of damage then)
-Fixed Circle of Death, so it won't affect area lower then intended (15ft radius, instead of correct 30ft)
-Fixed Cloudkill to properly apply Constitution damage (previously, if multiple targets were affected, damage would be greatly reduced for some of them). Also, if there are any creatures immune to poison in area, it won't stop spell anymore from applying damage to other targets
-Fixed a bug, when Cloud of Bewilderment would always affect targets immune to poison, instead the opposite. Also, spell resistance won't be checked multiple times for targets already affected by this cloud
-Fixed Color Spray, so blindness version won't affect creatures immune to mind affecting effects anymore
-Fixed durations for Confusion and Song of Discord spells, so they are properly doubled when Extended
-Fixed Creeping Cold and Greater Creeping cold, so that damage won't depend from metamagics of other spells cast in following rounds
-Several fixes to Creeping Doom spell:
*fixed a bug, when swarm would sometimes ignore valid target
*dispelling won't remove just visuals, but continuous damage too
*you won't get a miss, if to-hit roll is equal to enemy AC
*implemented auto-hit on natural roll of 20 and auto-miss on natural roll of 1
-Several fixes to Crushing Despair spell:
*it won't sometimes affect the caster on Hardcore difficulty
*it will be dispelled properly (no leftover effects anymore)
*skill penalties included, that were missing
*will not affect targets immune to mind affecting effects
-Several fixes to Cure line of spells (includes potions too):
*no more maximum damage healed on difficulties higher then Normal
*on Normal or Easy difficulty, healing maximum damage (or double maximum if using Maximize) will now work on all party members (and not only on currently controlled character)
*Augmented Healing feat will not add bonus healing to potions, scrolls and other items used by character having this feat
-Fixed Curse of Impending Blades (including Mass version), so that they can't be dispelled and can only be removed by Remove Curse spell
-Fixed an issue with Darkness spell (including Darkness invocation and few other variations), when exiting overlapping section of two dark areas removes Darkness effects from the character, even when he could still be in the darkness
-Fixed Death Knell, so when Maximized it will maximize damage too, and not just temporary hit points
-Fixed Deep Slumber and Sleep spells, so all targets in 20ft radius area can be affected (if HD requirements are met)
-Fixed Disintegrate visuals, so it gets its beam effect shown, even for missed or resisted targets (like it's done with most other ray spells)
-Fixed Disintegrate, so successful save on critical hit will do doubled damage (10d6)
-Fixed Dismissal, so it will properly banish death-immune creatures
-Fixed Earthquake, to not apply knockdown and spell failure effects to the caster on Hardcore difficulty anymore
-Fixed Energy Drain, so it requires ranged touch attack to make target gain negative levels (critical hits implemented too)
-Several fixes to Enervation spell:
*it won't roll two touch attacks
*if Maximized, it won't "double maximize" lost levels, exempt on criticals
*added missing beam visual (similar to one used for Energy Drain)
-Fixed Entangle, so that it can affect more then a single target in first round. Also, when cast, neutral NPC in area won't become hostile for a few seconds anymore
-For Evard's Black Tentacles, implemented auto-hit on natural roll of 20 and auto-miss on natural roll of 1
-Fixed Feeblemind, so ability loss is properly Maximized (instead of multiplied by 4)
-Fixed Fire Storm and Flame Strike, so that if fire damage is evaded, divine damage could still be applied
-Fixed Flame Arrow, Isaac's Lesser/Greater Missile Storm, Magic Missile and Scorching Ray, so that they don't burn Spell Mantles with each missile, but only once per casting
-Several fixes to Ghoul Touch spell:
*fumes emitted by paralyzed target will reduce attack bonus properly (not just damage, saves and skills)
*fumes will not affect caster on Hardcore difficulty anymore (otherwise, this spell would always try to harm caster, due to being in range)
*fumes will not affect targets immune to poison
*fumes will now dissipate, if target is freed from paralysis
-Fixed Glass Doppelganger spell, so that damage reduction of the copy is 15/bludgeoning (should resist piercing and slashing)
-Fixed Glass Doppelganger and Shadow Simulacrum spells to not make copy of target's gold, otherwise killed copies would give gold loot
-Fixed Grease, so that movement reduction effect always gets applied (no save)
-Fixed Heal and Harm, so they require touch attack on hostile targets
-Fixed Heal Animal Companion spell, so it will not be able to heal creatures that are not animal companions (like other party members)
-Fixed a bug, when Ice Storm would not injure all creatures in the area of effect, in case some targets died from this spell
-Fixed Infestation of Maggots, so creatures immune to disease won't be affected. Also, if using Hardcore rules, it will only kill creatures that have their Constitution reduced to zero, not 3
-Fixed Inflict Wounds line of spells, so they don't roll "fake" touch attack roll when targeting friendly undead
-Fixed Invisibility Sphere, so that sphere ends if invisibility is canceled on caster
-Fixed a bug with both Isaac's Missile Storm spells, when if cast on area with both friends and enemies, some missiles would get lost
-Several fixes to Mass Aid spell:
*depleting temporary hit points won't remove other effects from Mass Aid anymore
*it will not stack with itself and with Aid spell
*it will not check for spell resistance of the target
-Fixed Mass Bear's Endurance, to not stack with itself or Bear's Endurance spell

Oranj 31.10.2007 16:42

-Several fixes to Mass Charm Monster spell:
*it will properly charm twice caster HD in creatures, not twice caster HD minus one
*if player controlled character is affected, only he will get Dazed, and not several other creatures too
*it won't affect friendly targets anymore (including caster) on Hardcore difficulty, since it does not make sense (they already fight for you and attack your enemies)
-Several fixes to Mass Cure/Heal spells (including Warpriest variations)
*they won't damage friendly undead on Hardcore difficulty, if they are not in area of effect
*Mass Cure spells, when used for healing, will gain bonus from Augmented Healing feat
*Mass Cure Serious Wounds will be properly Maximized (base healing of 24, not 32)
*Warpriest Mass Cure Light Wounds will correctly use Will save vs undead (not Fortitude)
-Fixed area for Mass Curse of Impending Blades spell, so it has proper 20ft radius (won't affect creatures outside target marker)
-Fixed Mass Death Ward, so it will not check spell resistance for the targets, nor would make them hostile for a few seconds anymore
-Fixed Mass Lesser Vigor, so it would not make targets hostile for a few seconds. Also, it will have proper area with radius of 20ft, to match its targeting marker
-Several fixes to Melf's Acid Arrow spell:
*continuous damage will have correct duration (not 1 round less)
*if it misses the target, it will not cancel Acid Arrow currently in the effect
*if it hits the target, it will not prolong Acid Arrow currently in the effect to last as long as new effect (fixed to not stack)
-Several fixes to Meteor Swarm spell:
*spell resistance won't be checked twice when targeting ground or caster
*when targeting ground, targets closer to center will always roll properly for higher damage and vice versa
*when targeting creature, critical hits will double fire damage too, and not just blunt damage
-Fixed Mind Fog, so it will not affect targets immune to mind affecting effects
-Fixed Mirror Image, so it can be properly dispelled (no single image per dispel). Also, Maximize metamagic will now work as it should, and won't add just 4 images
-Fixed Moon Bolt, so it can be properly Extended, Empowered or Maximized
-Fixed Nature's Avatar, so it can't be used on polymorphed/wildshaped creatures
-Fixed Phantasmal Killer, so it won't affect creatures immune to Fear (just like Weird spell)
-Fixed Polar Ray and Vampiric Touch, so they properly double damage on critical hits (and not limit damage with dice cap)
-Fixed Scare, so that it can affect multiple targets correctly, and that fear on them can be properly dispelled (no leftover effects after area dispel)
-Fixed multi-target version of Scorching Ray to properly calculate number of hostiles in area on Hardcore difficulty (wrong calculation led to less rays fired in some circumstances)
-Fixed single target version of Scorching Ray, so it will show ray visuals for resisted targets
-Fixed Shadow Conjuration version of Web spell, so that movement decrease gets properly removed after exiting Web area
-Fixed Shadow Simulacrum, so that it can copy creatures up to twice the caster level, not half the caster level
-Fixed Shocking Grasp, so that damage is properly increased on criticals when using Maximize metamagic (will obey dice caps)
-Fixed Shout, Greater Shout and Mass Drown, so they won't ignore some creatures in the targeting area anymore
-Several fixes to Shroud of Flame spell:
*won't stack with itself anymore
*damage won't depend from metamagics of other spells cast in following rounds
-Fixed Spell Breach and Mordenkainen's Disjunction spells, so they will be able to remove Least Spell Mantle
-Fixed Storm Avatar (including Stormlord version), so it will work on weapons with electrical damage bonus
-Fixed Storm of Vengeance, so that same damage doesn't get applied to all targets in the round (now damage is rolled for each target separately)
-Fixed Sunbeam and Sunburst, so that single Reflex save protects against both damage and blindness (and Vampire death, in case of Sunburst), instead of rolling several separate saves
-Fixed stacking issue with Swamp Lung spell, since casting on already affected target could remove old effects without applying new ones (on successful save)
-Fixed Tasha's Hideous Laughter and Weird, so they will not affect targets protected by Protection from Good/Evil, if it should apply
-Fixed Undeath to Death, so it has proper 30ft radius (won't affect undead outside target marker)
-Fixed Vampiric Touch, so it gets properly Maximized (drains 6HP per die, instead of 8)
-Fixed Camouflage version of Vine Mine spell, so it won't try to Entangle the target every round
-Fixed Hamper Movement version of Vine Mine spell, so it won't stack movement decrease every round
-Several fixes to Entangle version of Vine Mine spell:
*it won't try to affect targets already entangled with it
*it won't skip targets with Woodland Stride feat
*it will be possible to affect targets on first round
-Fixed Vitriolic Sphere, so damage won't depend from metamagics of other spells cast in following rounds. Also, it won't ignore some creatures in the targeting area anymore
-Fixed an issue with Wail of the Banshee, when it would sometimes require from first target to make two saving throws vs death
-Fixed Wall of Fire, so that damage dealt gets capped properly at 2d6+20 (and not at just 20)
-Fixed Wall of Greater Dispel Magic, so it's properly capped at caster level 15, not 10

Invocation fixes:

-Fixed Brimstone Blast, so flame visual won't be dispelled anymore
-Fixed Frightful Blast, so it can be properly dispelled (no leftover effects anymore)
-Fixed an issue with using same Eldritch Blast essence on already affected target, when succeeding the save would remove first effect
-Fixed Eldritch Blast touch attack, so creatures immune to critical hits won't get doubled damage on criticals
-Fixed Eldritch Blast visuals, so that ray effect gets shown even for missed or resisted targets (like it's done with most other ray spells)
-Several fixes to Eldritch Chain:
*it will not arc to secondary targets when primary one was missed
*when it arcs, it won't check first secondary target with ranged attack roll twice
*secondary targets will get doubled damage on criticals
-Fixed Eldritch Cone, so it would not sometimes injure the caster on Hardcore difficulty
-Several fixes to Chilling Tentacles:
*tweaked damage and paralytic effects of tentacles to happen sooner (otherwise it could happen to get affected by tentacles after already exiting the area)
*implemented auto-hit on natural roll of 20 and auto-miss on natural roll of 1
-Fixed Curse of Despair, so that stat penalty mimics Bestow Curse spell (-3, not -2 to all attributes). Also, attack penalty on successful save will last properly for 10 rounds and won't be permanent
-Fixed area dispel checks for Devour Magic and Voracious Dispelling (previously, area dispel almost never worked)
-Fixed Otherworldly Whispers, so it would not behave like hostile invocation (rolling initiative, putting character into combat stance, etc...)
-Several fixes to Tenacious Plague:
*prevented stacking on already affected targets
*fixed a bug, when swarm would sometimes ignore valid targets
*dispelling won't remove just visuals, but continuous damage too
*you won't get a miss, if to-hit roll is equal to enemy AC
*implemented auto-hit on natural roll of 20 and auto-miss on natural roll of 1

Fixes to creature abilities:

-Fixed Abyssal Blast for Death Knights, so that if fire damage is evaded, divine damage could still be applied
-Fixed Cones of Acid, Fire and Frost used by some creatures, so that saving successfully from their damage won't make other targets in area get even less damage. Nor would failing the save make targets get identical damage
-Fixed Dragon Breath for Black, Blue, Bronze and Red Dragons, so that damage is rolled for each target, instead applying same value to all targets
-Fixed Dragon Breath for Black Dragons, so it won't affect targets outside the "line of effect" (Black Dragon Breath is Line, not Cone)
-Fixed Fear auras used by some creatures (dragons included), to prevent characters immune to fear or mind effects from getting penalties
-Fixed Ghast and Hezrou stench auras to not affect creatures immune to poison
-Fixed Reach to the Blaze ability of Fire Genasi, so that if multiple targets are affected, successive targets don't get less and less damage (due to previous damage result being used for next target). Also, removed exploit that made it possible to do ridiculous amount of damage with this ability, by circling around the targets (firing non-stop "on enter" damage)

Oranj 31.10.2007 16:43

Fixes to class abilities:

-Fixed Barbarian Rage, so resting during rage won't give fatigue penalties afterwards
-Fixed Song of Heroism for Bard, so that depleting temporary hit points won't remove other effects. Also, this song will not anymore interrupt Inspirations.
-Fixed Warlock's Fiendish Resilience, so it will regenerate specified amount of health per round, instead per second
-Fixed Enchant Arrow ability, to not wrongly add magical damage bonus to the arrows when using other Arcane Archer special abilities (should be physical). Also, in those cases, that bonus will properly be multiplied for criticals
-Fixed an issue, when bonus from Greater and Epic Weapon Specialization wouldn't be added to Arcane Archer arrow damage, when using his special abilities. Also, Strength bonus won't be anymore added to such attacks, if having no bow with Mighty properties, and critical hits from such attacks won't do additional damage against creatures immune to critical hits
-Added missing shooting animation for Arcane Archer's use of Death Arrow
-Fixed Imbue Arrow ability, so shooting animation is shown when Arcane Archer misses the target
-Fixed Inflict Serious and Inflict Critical Wounds abilities for Blackguard, so they add Blackguard level as bonus damage (to replace caster level they do not have)
-Fixed Dragon Breath ability of Red Dragon Disciples, so that damage is rolled for each target, instead applying same value to all targets. Also removed spell resistance check, since Supernatural abilities should ignore SR (was already true, but only for non-AI cast breath)

Other fixes:

-Fixed Use Magic Device check for casting from scrolls on Hardcore difficulty, so it will only get triggered when scroll class restrictions were not met (prevents an issue when non-arcane casters with Rogue levels or UMD skill were forced to roll this check even for scrolls with spells from their own class)
-Several fixes to Unity of Will spell-like ability of Silver Sword:
*depleting temporary hit points won't end other buffs (Heroism-like effect)
*included skill penalties to enemies, that were missing (Crushing Despair-like effect)
*Crushing Despair-like penalties linked, so they could all be dispelled with single dispel
*enemies immune to mind effects won't get penalties

Targeting and metamagic fixes:

-Fixed Bless, Dismissal, Scare, Song of Discord and Undeath to Death spells, so that they can target ground, and not just creatures directly (since they have area effects)
-Fixed Lesser Planar Binding and Planar Binding, so they can target hostile outsiders
-Fixed Eldritch Doom, so targeting marker matches shape area (old marker was smaller then area affected)
-Fixed Mass Aid and Mass Death Ward, so they can be Extended with metamagic
-Fixed Infinite Resonance spell-like ability of Silver Sword, so it works in No PVP areas

VFX fixes:

-Fixed visuals for Blade Barrier, so that swords don't disappear right after spell is cast
-Fixed visuals for Evard's Black Tentacles, so that tentacles stay for full spell duration

Details on spells.2da changes:
(if you want to merge these fixes with some other spells.2da file)

-Line 6 (Bless), column TargetType: value changed from 0x2B to 0x2F
-Line 40 (Dismissal), column TargetType: value changed from 0x2A to 0x2E
-Line 96 (Lesser_Planar_Binding), column HostileSetting: value changed from 0 to 1
-Line 128 (Planar_Binding), column HostileSetting: value changed from 0 to 1
-Line 528 (Undeath_to_Death), column TargetType: value changed from 0x2A to 0x2E
-Line 839 (Eldritch_Doom), column TargetingUI: value changed from 8 to 2
-Line 854 (Scare), column TargetType: value changed from 0x2A to 0x2E
-Line 900 (Song_of_Discord), column TargetType: value changed from 0x03 to 0x07
-Line 1018 (Mass_Death_Ward), column MetaMagic: value changed from 0x3d to 0x3f
-Line 1052 (Mass_Aid), column MetaMagic: value changed from 0x3D to 0x3F
-Line 1148 (Ssword_Sonic_Attack), column HostileSetting: value changed from 1 to 0

Feat Selection Fixes (v1.06)

Following feats can be taken by any class on level-up:
(as long as prerequisites where met)

-Deflect Arrow (was unavailable for Warlock and several PrCs)
-Weapon Proficiency feats [Simple, Martial, Exotic] (where unavailable when taking levels in some PrCs, like Arcane Trickster or Neverwinter Nine)
-Weapon Specialization [Club] (wasn't selectable without explicitly taking Fighter level on level-up)
-Extra Turning, Divine Might and Divine Shield (previously required Cleric, Paladin or Blackguard level on level-up)
-Extra Song, Lingering Song, Curse Song and Skill Focus [Perform] (did require Bard on level-up)
-Natural Spell (did require Druid on level-up)
-Battle Caster (did require Bard or Warlock on level-up, having Armored Caster is enough now)

Following epic feats can be taken by any class on level-up:
(as long as prerequisites where met)

-Great Smiting (did require Paladin, Blackguard, or Divine Champion on level-up)
-Thundering Rage (did require Barbarian on level-up)

And these feats now work as bonus feats for Divine Champion:

-Weapon Focus [Falchion]
-Weapon Focus [Warmace]
-Improved Critical [Warmace]

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